Watch The Unfortunate Policeman Online Free 2016

Watch The Unfortunate Policeman Online Free 2016 Average ratng: 5,5/10 3445votes

Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Sidney and Geordie investigate the murder of a local policeman, and find the killer's motive is connected to events that took place in the Second World War. Watch the latest Featured Videos on View more videos on CBS News, featuring the latest in-depth coverage from our news team. Usually, any story that begins with a driver hearing a crunch while on the road won’t have a happy ending. Every so often though, it happens. On September 3, on a.

Here's Why Linda Ikeji reported Wizkid to the Nigerian Police. A couple of weeks ago things escalated between celebrity blogger Linda Ikeji and superstar Ayo “Wizkid” Balogun. Click here if you missed it. After the public fallout, NETng reported that Linda Ikeji had taken the case to the Nigerian Police authorities, especially over the threat that Wizkid put through on social media. In a new post on her blog today Linda Ikeji has confirmed that the case was infact reported to the Police. According to her, “violence against women and threat of violence against women is not okay. Threatening harm to someone in a public space is a criminal act in every country of the world, including Nigeria. I bet some of you didn’t know that, yeah?

You can not publicly threaten someone with harm. You will only get away with it if your victim doesn’t report to the authorities. If they do, you will have a case with the police and I promise you, the police take these things seriously.”She repeated that she has no issue with Wizkid, adding that one of his songs was her fave for quite a while. Here’s the thing; You can insult me, insult my family, call me any names you like, even lie that I slept with your forefathers…but don’t threaten me. If you threaten me, I will act!…I reported this case to the authorities because I want our young men to know this is not okay.

You should not raise your hands on a woman. You shouldn’t even threaten to raise your hands on a woman. Wizkid wrote that he would send his 1. Letting Wizkid get away with it is basically telling our young men that this is okay…and it’s not! After Wizkid made the threat to me, I saw a lot of teen boys hailing and applauding him. To them, this was okay. If their idol can threaten a woman with harm, and use derogatory words, they also can do it…and that’s how the circle of abuse of women continues.

Women being called ‘smelly p*’ trended online for a day or two! Little boys were happy to use the words. Sad! It is appalling to me that anyone, especially women, would cheer Wizkid on. When he wrote RIP Linda, I saw a few young girls write same, laughing.

Watch The Unfortunate Policeman Online Free 2016

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This is not a laughing matter. It doesn’t matter whether you like me or not! This is not about Linda Ikeji. This is about abuse of women which has eaten deep into our society, so deep that it has now been accepted as normal. Men do it all the time and get away with it. So many women are battered by their husbands and they refuse to speak up because of the stigma.

They refuse to seek help because they are afraid of what people will say. I am sorry, I am not one of those women. I refuse to be victimized. And as long as I have my voice and my platform, I will speak up. We women have to come together to lend a strong voice to the plight of women in our continent.

When we see a woman being physically and mentally abused, let’s act. Let’s speak up. Let’s not laugh and say she deserves it. If we continue to keep quiet, the circle of abuse will continue. And one day, You, yes You, will find yourself in the receiving end of a thundering slap, followed by heavy blows. If not you, then maybe your daughter?

Let’s condemn violence and threat of violence against women! This is not acceptable! Young men like Wizkid, a father of two young boys himself, should never advocate violence against women. One day, he will have a daughter, how would he feel if another male threatens to put hands on her or even calls her a hoe? I can’t count how many times Wizkid called me a hoe in his rant against me. That’s what boys do. When they get into a fight with a woman, they try to slut- shame her.

Smelly p*, hoe, ashawo etc. You call a woman, who gave another young woman, whose real name she doesn’t even know N5. Blessing Nicholas got N5.

When your mind is so warped you can’t differentiate between a woman and a hoe, then this is what happens. Except you drive to Sanusi Fanfuwa at 2am to pick up a prostitute, who proudly describes herself as one, then you shouldn’t call any woman a hoe. Even Tupac who was a well known thug could differentiate between the types of women he dealt with. When asked in an interview why he called women bitches, he said people shouldn’t confuse things, that he wouldn’t address a mother or a sister the way he would address a bitch, that the bitches were the ones he dealt with in the clubs who behaved like one.

He reiterated that he respected women! In more civilized countries, Wizkid would have lost his endorsements and spent the next year or so apologizing and being in the fore- front of promoting anti- violence crusades against women. It took Chris Brown years to get back on his feet after his assault on a woman. Up till today, he doesn’t have any major endorsements and some countries still deny him entrance into their country i.

Australia for something he did 7 years ago. Yes, violence against women is serious!

And there’s the case of incitement. When you have power and influence, you have to be careful what you say in public. Because you have such power, something you say can influence your followers. A fan can commit acts that even you may not support or might not even condone. But because it came out of your mouth, they think you mean it.

So it is irresponsible to say things that might be inciteful. In Law, you can be held responsible when people act based on what you said in public. Tupac was charged to court and indicted after some thugs killed a police officer.

The thugs went to court and mentioned that their idol encouraged violence against LA police officers in a song where he said ‘Drop a cop’. So, we folks with some measure of influence should be more careful with our utterances. People are watching and listening! The second reason I filed a police report is to encourage other women in similar situations to do same. My dear ladies, if a man threatens to puts hands on you, and you feel the threat is real, report to the authorities. The Stranger Within Full Movie. Don’t wait until he does it.

What if you don’t survive it? If he’s picked up and may be charged to court (yes, you can be charged to court for making threats…it’s a misdemeanor with a prison sentence), then he will think twice before making threats against you in the future or any other woman for that matter. I went as far as I did for me and for other women. This is to pass a strong message to our young men that these kinds of behaviour towards women will not be tolerated. Should not be tolerated. If you assault or even threaten to assault a woman, the law will come after you if she chooses not to be silent.

Women, don’t be silent. Let’s break the circle. For your sake, for my sake, for the sake of our daughters, grand daughters, great grand daughters and all other women that will follow them.

Reverse Voxsplaining: Drugs vs. Chairs[Content note: this is pretty much a rehash of things I’ve said before, and that otherpeoplehaveaddressedmuchmoreeloquently. My only excuse for wasting your time with it again is that SOMEHOW THE MESSAGE STILL HASN’T SUNK IN. Pitching this as “market” vs. I am overly simplistic sometimes then it will sink in better.]Epi. Pens, useful medical devices which reverse potentially fatal allergic reactions, have recently quadrupled in price, putting pressure on allergy sufferers and those who care for them. Vox writes that this “tells us a lot about what’s wrong with American health care” – namely that we don’t regulate it enough: The story of Mylan’s giant Epi.

Pen price increase is, more fundamentally, a story about America’s unique drug pricing policies. We are the only developed nation that lets drugmakers set their own prices, maximizing profits the same way sellers of chairs, mugs, shoes, or any other manufactured goods would. Let me ask Vox a question: when was the last time that America’s chair industry hiked the price of chairs 4. When was the last time that the mug industry decided to charge $3. When was the last time greedy shoe executives forced most Americans to go barefoot? And why do you think that is?

The problem with the pharmaceutical industry isn’t that they’re unregulated just like chairs and mugs. The problem with the pharmaceutical industry is that they’re part of a highly- regulated cronyist system that works completely differently from chairs and mugs. If a chair company decided to charge $3. When Mylan decided to sell Epi. Pens for $3. 00, in any normal system somebody would have made their own Epi. Pens and sold them for less. It wouldn’t have been hard.

Its active ingredient, epinephrine, is off- patent, was being synthesized as early as 1. Epi. Pen- load. Why don’t they? They keep trying, and the FDA keeps refusing to approve them for human use. For example, in 2.

Teva Pharmaceuticals announced a plan to sell their own Epi. Pens in the US. The makers of the original Epi. Pen sued them, saying that they had patented the idea epinephrine- injecting devices. Teva successfully fended off the challenge and brought its product to the FDA, which rejected it because of “certain major deficiencies”. As far as I know, nobody has ever publicly said what the problem was – we can only hope they at least told Teva.

In 2. 01. 0, another group, Sandoz, asked for permission to sell a generic Epi. Pen. Once again, the original manufacturers sued for patent infringement. According to Wikipedia, “as of July 2. In 2. 01. 1, Sanoji asked for permission to sell a generic Epi. Pen called e- cue. This got held up for a while because the FDA didn’t like the name (really!), but eventually was approved under the name Auvi- Q, (which if I were a giant government agency that rejected things for having dumb names, would be going straight into the wastebasket). But after unconfirmed reports of incorrect dosage delivery, they recalled all their products off the market.

This year, a company called Adamis decided that in order to get around the patent on devices that inject epinephrine, they would just sell pre- filled epinephrine syringes and let patients inject themselves. The FDA rejected it, noting that the company involved had done several studies but demanding that they do some more.

Also, throughout all of this a bunch of companies are merging and getting bought out by other companies and making secret deals with each other to retract their products and it’s all really complicated. None of this is because Epi. Pens are just too hard to make correctly. Europe has eight competing versions. Starship Troopers: Traitor Of Mars Full Movie Part 1. But aside from the Epi. Pen itself, only one competitor has ever made it past the FDA and onto the pharmacy shelf – a system called Adrenaclick. And of course there’s a catch.

With ordinary medications, pharmacists are allowed to interpret prescriptions for a brand name as prescriptions for the generic unless doctors ask them not to. For example, if I write a prescription for “Prozac”, a pharmacist knows that I mean anything containing fluoxetine, the chemical ingredient sold under the Prozac brand. They don’t have to buy it directly from Prozac trademark- holder Eli Lilly. It’s like if someone asks for a Kleenex and you give them a regular tissue, or if you suggest putting something in a Tupperware but actually use a plastic container made by someone other than the Tupperware Corporation.

Epi. Pens are protected from this substitution. If a doctor writes a prescription for “Epi. Pen”, the pharmacist must give an Epi. Pen- brand Epi. Pen, not an Adrenaclick- brand Epi. Pen. This is apparently so that children who have learned how to use an Epi. Pen don’t have to relearn how to use an entirely different device (hint: jam the pointy end into your body).

If you know anything at all about doctors, you know that they have way too much institutional inertia to change from writing one word on a prescription pad to writing a totally different word on a prescription pad, especially if the second word is almost twice as long, and especially especially if it’s just to do something silly like save a patient money. I have an attending who, whenever we are dealing with anything other than a life- or- death matter, just dismisses it with “Nobody ever died from X”, and I can totally hear him saying “Nobody ever died from paying extra for an adrenaline injector”. So Adrenaclick continues to languish in obscurity.

So why is the government having so much trouble permitting a usable form of a common medication? There are a lot of different factors, but let me focus on the most annoying one. Epi. Pen manufacturer Mylan Inc spends about a million dollars on lobbying per year. Open. Secrets. org tells us what bills got all that money. They seem to have given the most to defeat S.

Preserve Access to Affordable Generics Act”. The bill would ban pharmaceutical companies from bribing generic companies not to create generic drugs. Did they win? Yup. In fact, various versions of this bill have apparently failed so many times that FDA Law Blog notes that “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different result”. So let me try to make this easier to understand. Imagine that the government creates the Furniture and Desk Association, an agency which declares that only IKEA is allowed to sell chairs.

IKEA responds by charging $3. Other companies try to sell stools or sofas, but get bogged down for years in litigation over whether these technically count as “chairs”.

When a few of them win their court cases, the FDA shoots them down anyway for vague reasons it refuses to share, or because they haven’t done studies showing that their chairs will not break, or because the studies that showed their chairs will not break didn’t include a high enough number of morbidly obese people so we can’t be sure they won’t break. Finally, Target spends tens of millions of dollars on lawyers and gets the okay to compete with IKEA, but people can only get Target chairs if they have a note signed by a professional interior designer saying that their room needs a “comfort- producing seating implement” and which absolutely definitely does not mention “chairs” anywhere, because otherwise a child who was used to sitting on IKEA chairs might sit down on a Target chair the wrong way, get confused, fall off, and break her head.(You’re going to say this is an unfair comparison because drugs are potentially dangerous and chairs aren’t – but 5. Britain alone and as far as I know nobody has ever died from an Epi. Pen malfunction.)Imagine that this whole system is going on at the same time that IKEA spends millions of dollars lobbying senators about chair- related issues, and that these same senators vote down a bill preventing IKEA from paying off other companies to stay out of the chair industry.